About FastPhotoTagger v3.7
FastPhotoTagger is Open Source Software.
Copyright (c) Dennis Damico, dennis508@yahoo.com
GNU General Public License
Performance Notes
Tested Configurations
Known problems
The latest version of FastPhotoTagger will always be available on SourceForge.
+ Installation instructions for FastPhotoTagger for Android 4.4
or higher on ARM or x86 processors
o Open an Internet browser.
o Download from SourceForge.
o The browser will ask you to confirm that you want to download,
install, and open FastPhotoTagger.apk.
On some versions of Android:
o Enable installation from "Unknown sources". This is found
in Settings / Applications or in Settings / Security.
Several web sites offer installation help. Search "install apk on
ALL FILES ACCESS: Android 11+: Allow
FastPhotoTagger to navigate the file system and write metadata to any file.
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Allow FastPhotoTagger to
write metadata to any file. Also, please see SD
VIBRATE: Vibrate the device after a long file operation.
WAKE_LOCK: Prevent the device from sleeping during long file
operations. (The screen still may go dark.)
Your personal data is safe. Please read the
Privacy Policy.
warnings, and known problems:
Please inform the author of any defects or oddities so that this
product can improve. Problems will be fixed as soon as possible.
There are a large number of Android revisions and devices and it is
impossible to test all of them. If your device doesn't work send
email to the author.
o Image display issues:
1. HEIC: On some versions of Android 9 various HEIC files,
including rotated/portrait mode images, cannot be displayed.
2. RAW: Your RAW file may not be recognized by
FastPhotoTagger. There are hundreds of RAW formats. It may be a
simple matter for FastPhotoTagger to recognize your format. Send
email to the author.
3. TIFF: Your TIFF file may not be displayable;
FastPhotoTagger is limited by 3rd party software capability. Tiff
files having uncommon configurations cannot be displayed.
4. PNG & WEBP: Some versions of Android inconsistently
store PNG and WEBP thumbnails with their transparent portions
converted to black.
o FastPhotoTagger isn't responding: Usually the correct
response is to "Wait", rather than "Close app." If you
encounter this, please email the author.
o .FastphotoTagger folder: Holds special files. This is a hidden folder which will
not be visible to you unless Show hidden files is checked in
App / Program Settings / All Settings.
o Android 10: On SD cards, rotating an image in the Photo
Viewer does not result in the thumbnail being rotated. You can work
around this by manually deleting the .thumbnails folder
which is typically in /storage/emulated/0/Pictures.
o Android 9: Some versions of Android 9 falsely report
errors on SD Card file operations such as rename and copy.
The operations actually succeed but you must exit and re-enter the
folder to see that the operation was, in fact, successful.
o Android 7+: In split-screen, aka multi-window
mode, it is possible to run FastPhotoTagger in more than one
"window". This may cause inconsistencies and is not recommended.
However, this should never threaten the integrity of your files.
o Android 5+: Secondary (external) SD cards are not
automatically writable by FastPhotoTagger. Please see SD Cards.
o PC: When exporting settings from Android to PC, labels
will not be imported on the PC unless the Screen Label exactly
matches a Metadata Screen Label.
o Xiaomi MIUI devices do not see the "Keyword" and "Edit"
choices after a long press on a metadata input field. This is a
longstanding problem with Xiaomi devices.
Instead, you may long press on the metadata name to bring up the
keyword checkbox dialog or the small edit window.
o Device upgrades: Upgrading your device from 32-bit
to 64-bit and restoring FastPhotoTagger from a Google backup will
not work. You need to uninstall/reinstall FastPhotoTagger. Contact
the author for help.
o App on SD card: On some versions of Android
FastPhotoTagger does not work properly after the app is moved to the
SD card using Android Settings, e.g., "Settings / Apps /
FastPhotoTagger / Move To SD card."
Performance Notes:
o The first time you execute FastPhotoTagger there will be a delay
of several seconds while the program configures itself.
o Be sure to read the Performance Tips in the User Guide.
This version of
FastPhotoTagger was tested with:
o Android revisions 4.4.4, 5.1.1, 6, 7.1, 8.1, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15
o ExifTool 12.76
o dcraw 9.28