FastPhotoTagger tries to be the fastest
way to set the metadata in your photos. Add, change, delete, and
search the metadata fields of your choice. FastPhotoTagger excels
when you have lots of files and lots of metadata.
Key Features
FastPhotoTagger is a metadata viewer
o View all metadata in an image
o Compare metadata in several images
o View images with metadata captions
FastPhotoTagger is a metadata changer
o Set multiple images to have the same tags
o Set individual images to have unique tags
o Compare and edit metadata in several images
o Execute custom ExifTool commands
FastPhotoTagger is an image viewer
o JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, DNG, RAW, WEBP, many TIFF types
o HEIC files on Android 9+
o Audio and video files
FastPhotoTagger is a file manager
o Rename, Copy, Move, Delete, and more
o File manager interface
FastPhotoTagger gets big jobs done quickly
o You choose the metadata fields
o You define the keywords
o You define abbreviations for faster tagging
o You choose the fastest method for each job
The PC version of FastPhotoTagger is here.
o Dennis Damico,